Asociatia Rockabilly Romania impreuna cu locatia Seven Pots anunta o seara de neuitat pentru publicul brasovean pasionat de muzica si stilul de viata rock’n’roll:
Concert KING AUTOMATIC (Franta – rock’n’roll with elektro trash)
The Nuggers (Romania – garage/rock and roll)
Grupul de dansatori Rockabilly Rockers
Grupul de creatie Rockabilly Cherry Girls
Data: 11 octombrie 2013
Ora: 20:30
Locatia: Seven Pots – Str. Mihail Sadoveanu nr.1
Suport artisti: 15 lei
Participarea la eveniment se poate anunta pe Facebook: aici.
KING AUTOMATIC (Franta – casa de discuri Voodoo Rhythm)
“Intense, noisy and wild one-man band to end all one man bands. Keys, drums, guitar in an all-out trash attack. Kraftwerk meets Lightin’ Hopkins and knives are drawn! MY EARS! MY EYES! MY GOODNESS!”
The Nuggers (Ghost Highway Records – Spania) il vor insoti pe King Automatic in turneul din Romania, o trupa de garage/rock and roll care s-a infiintat in Bucuresti, din oameni ce nu s-au nascut pe plaiurile romanesti.
Citez: “We’re on a mission to bring back balls and sexiness to the local rock n’ roll scene.”
Interviu cu Andy Sinboy, vocalul trupei The Nuggers
1. Rockabilly Romania: Salut Andy. De multi ani iti urmaresc activitatea si apreciez foarte mult ceea ce faci pentru cultura urbana din Romania, inca de pe vremea cand te ocupai de street art si graffiti. In prezent ai o trupa: The Nuggers. De unde initiativa de a avea o trupa, intr-un stil altfel decat se canta la noi in tara. Ce stil de muzica abordati?
Hi, Andy! I’ve been keeping an eye on your activity since you’ve started doing graffiti and street art and I highly appreciate what you’re doing for the Romanian urban culture.
Now you are playing with The Nuggers band. What made you play something that is so different from what’s playing here in Romania? How would you describe your musical style?
Andy Sinboy: De cand eram copil cant in trupe, insa de cand sunt in Romania, mi-a fost destul de greu sa intalnesc oameni care au de-a face cu scena punk si rock and roll. In Bucuresti, cel putin, aceasta scena este cam inexistenta. Intr-un final, dupa 10 ani de trait in Bucuresti, am reusit sa strang impreuna un grup de oameni care gandesc la fel si care sunt la fel de frustrati de scena muzicala din tara. Un ultimul an si jumatate m-am izolat, pentru a putea compune si inregistra o muzica faina in stilul garage noise.
I’ve been playing in bands on and off since I was a kid. Since I came to Romania it’s been pretty hard to meet people who are into punk and rock and roll, the scene in Bucharest is pretty much non existant. Finally, after ten years of being here I managed to get together a group of people who are on the same wavelength and just as frustrated about the current music situation here. We’ve been locked up for the last year and a half so we can deliver a proper dose of sexy garage noise.
2. Rockabilly Romania: Credeti ca romanii sunt pregatiti pentru a imbratisa cu adevarat si cu toate valorile ei, cultura rock and roll?
Do you believe Romanians are ready to take on the rock and roll culture with all its values?
Andy Sinboy: Eu sper ca da. Cred ca Romania si in special Bucuresti, este locul perfect pentru muzica punk. Viata de zi cu zi in Romania este destul de frustranta, astfel, muzica punk este leacul perfect pentru asta. Sunt foarte curios ce se va intampla cu acest turneu, pentru ca din cate stiu, orasele din provincie se prezinta mai bine la capitolul rock and roll, decat capitala. Sper sa am dreptate. Cu toate acestea iubesc Bucurestiul si sper ca in cel mai scurt timp sa pot convinge oamenii din jur cu muzica noastra, astfel incat, sa putem avea in cultura rock and roll, colegi de breasla. In mod constant, facand totul de unul singur, este foarte obositor.
I really hope so. I think Romania, and definitely Bucharest is the perfect place for punk music. Day to day life here can be pretty damn frustrating, and punk is the perfect medicine for that. I’m very curious about the tour, as from what I know pretty much every town in Romania is Better than the capital for rock n roll. I hope I’m proved right! I do love BUcharest though, I just hope we can convert some people quickly so we can have some brothers in arms on our mission. Constantly doing everything by yourself can be damn exhausting.
3. Rockabilly Romania: Care este componenta trupei si cum ati ajuns sa cantati impreuna? De ce ati inregistrat albumul la casa de discuri Ghost HIghway din Spania si nu in Romania?
Who are the guys in your band and how did you get together? Why have you decided to sign with Voodoo Rhythm from Switzerland and not with a Romanian label?
Andy Sinboy:
Trupa este formata din:
Anton Groves- Tobe (UK/RO)
Adrian Aghenitei- Chitara solo (RO)
Phillip Hoffer- Chitara ritmica (ELVETIA)
Andy Sinboy- Chitara bas, vocal (UK/SP)
L-am intalnit pe Phillip, atunci cand s-a mutat in Romania, acum vreo 4 ani. El a facut parte din scena muzicala de garage din Elvetia, timp de 15 ani, in special cu trupa Come n’ Go de la Voodoo Rhythm Records. Acum doi ani, am avut un show semi neprogramat de Halloween, cand Rob ‘Pantichrist’ Butler (Miracle Workers, Untold Fables) a venit in vizita in Romania. Dupa aceasta intamplare, am inceput sa repetam in casa lui Phillip, cu multa tuica si altele mai tari. Dupa ceva timp, am realizat ca ne-ar trebui niste baieti sa formam o trupa. Am colaborat destul de mult pe animatii cu Studioset, acolo unde Anton si Adi lucreaza. Ne-am mai jucat cu niste piese, cu ideea, dar nu am facut ceva de aratat celorlalti. Ei sunt de asemenea prietenii mei cei mai buni, deci totul a venit natural.
De fapt am inregistrat albumul in Romania. El a fost inregistrat de talentatul Alexandru Ispas, care are sala de repetitii si studioul chiar langa al nostru. El s-a ocupat de sunetul nostru, astfel, vrand si sa il inregistreze. A facut o treaba fantastica! Pentru o vreme, am ajutat casa de discuri Ghost Highway cu ilustratii, si cand le-am trimis melodiile noastre, ei au decis sa le pun pe un vinyl 7″ in cadrul casei lor de discuri. Totul a fost gata in cateva saptamani.
The band is:
Anton Groves- Drums (UK/RO)
Adrian Aghenitei- Lead Guitar (RO)
Phillip Hoffer- Rhythm Guitar (HELVETIA)
Andy Sinboy- Bass, Vocals (UK/SP)
I met Phillip when he moved here about 4 years ago. He has been involved with the local garage scene in Switzerland for the last 15 years, especially with his band Come n’ Go on Voodoo Rhythm Records. We hit it off, and for Halloween two years ago played a semi impromptu gig, when Rob ‘Pantichrist’ Butler (Miracle Workers, Untold Fables) came to visit. After that we started making tunes in Phillips house, taking lots os speed and Tuica.
After a while we realized we needed some other guys from our band. I collaborate a lot on animations with Studioset, where Anton and Adi work. We had been mucking about in the past, but with no real songs to show for it. They’re also my really good friends, so it was kinda natural to get them in.
We actaully did record our EP in Romania, it was recorded by the very talented Alexandru Ispas, who has his rehearsal space/studio next to ours. He dug our sound and wanted to record us. He did a fantastic job.
I’ve been helping Ghost Highway records with artwork for a while. I sent them our songs and they decided to put out a 7″ vinyl on their label. That’ll come out in a couple of weeks.
4. Rockabilly Romania Ce le transmiteti publicului care va veni la concertele voastre din turneul din octombrie?
Have you got something to say to people interested in going to your gigs in October?
Andy Sinboy: Ne dorim ca oamenii sa vina si sa savureze aceasta muzica de atitudine, plina de viata si energie. Suntem destul de plictisiti de trupele lesinate de indie care canta despre cat de dureroasa este viata pentru ei. Noi nu suntem plini de emotie, suntem facut din cutii de bere strivite, zeama de gratar si chistoace de tigari. Fie ca muzica noastra sa faca fetele sa danseze.
We want people to come and enjoy fast, powerful music with an attitude. We’re really tired of pussy indie bands singing about how painful life is for them. We have no emotions, we’re made out of crushed beer cans, barbecue sauce and cigarette butts. Also we want to make the ladies shake their rears.
Multumim frumos Andy pentru timpul acordat, pentru muzica pe care ne-o oferiti, de-abia asteptam concertul din octombrie.
Mult succes!
Thanks! See you in Brasov soon!