Alaturati-va lui Clay Windham si lui Andrei Rotariu (impreuna cu alti invitati speciali) pentru „Doua generatii de Blues”, Miercuri, 6 martie, orele 20:00 la „Papa la Soni”.
Clay Windham este un veteran al scenei muzicii blues din Austin, Texas, New Orleans si Louisiana.
Andrei Rotariu este din Bucuresti si este liderul trupei Soul Serenade.
Impreuna vor prezenta o selectie de blues, traditional si totodata modern.
Join Clay Windham and Andrei Rotariu (along with special guests) for „2 Generations of Blues” on Wednesday, March 6th, 20:00 at Papa la Soni. Clay Windham is a veteran of the Austin, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana Blues scene. Andrei Rotariu is from Bucharest and is the leader of the group Soul Serenade. Together they will present a selection of traditional & modern blues.
Clay Windham – guitar & vocals
Andrei Rotariu – guitar, harmonica & vocals
bilet 15 ron
ora 20.30