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Joi 10.05.2012 incepand cu ora 20:00 Private Hell Club va propune un nou concert din sfera metalului underground alaturi de BOLTHARD, PSYCHOGOD si CELESTIAL GROUNDS. Pretul biletelor este 12 lei si pot fi achizitionate de la intrarea in club. Va asteptam in numar cat mai mare

Stand merchandise Psychogod & RTMC!


The band (as a live act) formed back in 2004 by the singer and the two guitar players. After some line-up changes, the most important one being the former drummer with an underground veteran from Bucharest, Doru, well known for his activities in many brutal bands from the ‘90s and a session bass player in the person of Irinel Carlanaru (Sphera Noctis), Bolthard starts to conquer the Romanian stages, playing many club gigs in Bucharest and the rest of the country. The fanzines, webzines and magazines made supportive reviews concerning the live appearences of the band, counting also for Bolthard beeing opening act for the Greek black metal legends Rotting Christ, to be the support act in two gigs from the tour of the Austrian old school death metal band Possession and play with many other underground metal bands from Romania or abroad. Also Bolthard recorded their first material in the summer of 2005, more exactly one single track called “Thrash Your Dreams” to be used as promotion in the local and international media. Once again the band, changed the line-up in the early autumn of 2005, more exactly the bass player.The band decided to take a break with live activities and to prepare the first official material; a full equipment set was provided for doing this hard job. At the end of 2008, Costi (ex.Teuton) joined Bolthard as the new drummer. After some time George (bass player) had to leave. Luckily, Flavius (ex Marsyas , Abigail) came along and closed the Bolthard circle to the nowadays line-up. Bolthard started a new direction getting more and more into the modern sound of metal but still keeping the thrashy groove at the same time.In january 2010, after a change in the management area, Bolthard released a single called „Human Race”, track featured on the band’s first ep called „Password:Invalid”, released in may 2010.The material beneficiated from extensive touring in Romania, and a few gigs outside the borders (Luxembourg, France), wich also helped the band open for greater acts like Cadaveria, Sabaton and Blind Guardian.Also ,in 2011 ,Bolthard, won “best band performance” at the Top T Buzau, an old and renowed festival in Romania and performed in the company of bands like Onslaught ,Methedras , E-Force and Keep of Kalessin at Ost Mountain Fest.
At the beginning of 2012, the band released a new single called “The new world” wich will be part of the second upcoming EP.Bolthard is currently preparing to enter the studio for the new material.

Line-up :
Alin – Vocals
Catalin – Guitar
Adelin – Guitar
Flavius – Bass
Costi – Drums



Trupad s-a infiintat la sfarsitul lui noiembrie 2009 cand Dank (chitara) si Cristina (voce) s-au hotarat sa puna bazele unei trupe care sa abordeze un metal agresiv si in acelasi timp modern, imbinand stiluri ca hardcore, death metal, black metal si industrial.
In luna mai 2010, trupa debuteaza live in deschiderea formatiei braziliene Krow. Ulterior formatia sustine concerte in compania unor nume cunoscute din underground-ul romanesc: Code Red, Deadeye Dick, Deliver The God, Vepres, DinUmbra, White Walls etc.
In septembrie 2010, apare primul material oficial, clipul piesei “ We Are Not” filmat in Silver Church cu ocazia concertului organizat de Axa Valaha, alaturi de trupa britanica Furnaze.
Trupa ocupa locul 2 la sectiunea „Best Romanian Metal Newcomer 2010” a site-ului In decembrie 2010 se renunta la folosirea clapei in favoarea agresivitatii si melodiei celei de a doua chitari.
Martie 2011 aduce participarea trupei la primul turneu, “Metal Woman Tour”, alaturi de formatia Infected Rain din Republica Moldova. Acest turneu aduce si primul concert in afara tarii, in Chisinau (Republica Moldova), fiind urmat la cateva luni de alte doua concerte in Ruse (Bulgaria).
Dupa cateva modificari ale formulei, stilul muzical se indreapta spre o mixtura de death metal, metalcore, groove metal si thrash metal.
Momentan trupa lucreaza la primul material discografic, preconizat sa apara in cursul anului 2012.

Componenta actuala:
Cris – voce
Dank – chitara
Mausy – chitara
Dragos -bass
Andrei – tobe

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